Sundays At Tiffany's, by James Patterson and Gabrielle Charbonnet
Audio and Book review
Audio and Book review

I got the book from Valerie at Hachette and I got the audio from Anna at Hachette. Thank you ladies.
This is kind of cool. I read the book and listened to the audio at the same time! Okay.. meaning in the car I did the audio and at home I picked up in the book where the audio left off.
The audio cover looks like the hard cover book (first photo) and the paperback book released this year looks like the second photo.
My review - I really enjoyed this book. I had read a lot of different reviews and sometimes for me that is a drag because I get my head all clouded up with other people's expectations of an author. And of course with Patterson many many are followers of his work and they have a lot to say about it being better or worse than the last book you know the whole comparison thing.
I was lucky in this regard. I just picked up a very pretty book, read it, and really enjoyed the story.
It charmed my socks off. It is just the book I needed right now. A spring fling if you will. I enjoyed the sweetness of the book. I loved the setting, the characters, the relationships, and I liked all the name dropping of shoes, clothing, jewelry. Maybe for some it was over done for some, or too expected, or just not a complex enough story. I guess for me I didn't need all that complexity. I liked unspoken and spoken the dialog of the characters. I liked the messed up Mother / Daughter relationship and the obvious problems that stemmed from lack of the "normal" type of motherly love. And as for the the stereotype beefcake hottie boyfriend without a conscious, well, it worked for me.
I loved Jane and I loved Michael. When you really like the main characters that goes a long way to loving a story.
I have to say that one of the best parts of having this blog is reading outside my own box. I don't feel the pressure to be reading a classic, or must- be-read book all the time. I am really relaxing into my reading, enjoying stories, and meeting great friends.
That is not to say I haven't read some really fantastic books. Coming soon, I think I am going to list my top ten favorite books since I started my blog. Another perk of the blog is getting to go back and relive moments from my favorite books.
Okay, now for some details on the book.
Full description: (From Hachette)
As a little girl, Jane has no one. Her mother, the powerful head of a Broadway theater company, has no time for her. She does have one friend-a handsome, comforting, funny man named Michael-but only she can see him.
Years later, Jane is in her thirties and just as alone as ever. Then she meets Michael again-as handsome, smart and perfect as she remembers him to be. But not even Michael knows the reason they've really been reunited.
SUNDAYS AT TIFFANY'S is a love story with an irresistible twist, a novel about the child inside all of us-and the boundary-crossing power of love.
To listen to an excerpt, CLICK HERE
I'm glad you enjoyed this one. I can't wait to read it.
Charmed your socks off, eh? That's pretty darn good! I like how you called it a spring fling. That really summed it up for me. It's nice to read a book that you truly enjoy, isn't it?
This was one of the ten books I won from the Hatchett Book 'With Love' giveaway last month and I just read it recently.
Like you, I really enjoyed the book. It was a book that just made me feel good and I loved the 'Hollywood' ending.
Cool way to enjoy a book, good to hear you liked it, Toni. I won an audio version and so am looking forward to lending my ears to this one as well. Love the paperback cover, very pretty!
Glad to hear you enjoyed it. I read it when it first came out, and I liked the premise of the story, but I just didn't like the way it was written. Everyone's different, which is why I'm glad there are so many books and so many authors to choose from!
Diary of an Eccentric
This sounds like a great book--I had almost picked it up the other day and ended up holding off. After reading your review I think I'll definitely have to give it a try.
I just found your blog today and love it, you do a great job! :-)
Anna - I think you have a good point with the writing. I can see what you are saying. I seriously think that listening to the audio for the first 10 chapters hooked me in. It is read really well. It sort of draws you in because you can tell when she is reading Michael's thoughts or Jane's thoughts. After that I was drawn in. I loved the short chapters so I could come home after my commute and read and then hop in my car the next day and I actually still listened to the part that I had read the night before.. I don't know.. it was good. It was well as I mentioned before.. It was a spring fling. :)
I actually read the ending of the book... and then listened to the end in my car. I think I got more from the audio than I did from the book.
Interesting. It brings up the subject of audio vs. reading a book. I can't wait to hear Drood on audio to see what I think.
I did the 13th Tale on both audio and by book and I LOVED both of them.
That's interesting. Since I found the story itself entertaining, maybe I would have enjoyed the audio more. It certainly gives you something to think about.
Diary of an Eccentric
A bit late in commenting but just wanted to let you know your review has made me want to read this book!
Great review=)
I'm gonna add this to my wishlist, of books to read. I just discovered this author a couple of months ago and love his writing style. The first book I read of his was Roses Are Red, a fantastic read that kept me up until the wee hours of the morning reading.
This looks excellent.
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