Who by Fire, Diana Spechler
Thank you Diana Spechler (author bio) for sending me this book.
Author Website
Book Description
Bits and Ash were children when the kidnapping of their younger sister, Alena—an incident for which Ash blames himself—caused an irreparable family rift. Thirteen years later, Ash is living as an Orthodox Jew in Israel, cutting himself off from his mother, Ellie, and his wild-child sister, Bits. But soon he may have to face them again; Alena's remains have finally been uncovered. Now Bits is traveling across the world in a bold and desperate attempt to bring her brother home and salvage what's left of their family.
Sharp and captivating, Who by Fire deftly explores what happens when people try to rescue one another.
This book is very powerful and captivating. The journey with Ash and Bits is incredible and brave. I read the book in three sections. There are no dull moments in the book, there are no slow spots. The characters are flawed and likable. We can recognize the root of their issues. This made me cheer for them throughout the whole novel.
It is broken up into three different perspectives. From each character there is a nice flow to the story as it changes from each point of view/perspective quite often. For me this kept the story fresh and easy to absorb. It was a brilliant way to write a deep and powerful story without bogging one down in the depth of the heartache within the story. And just when you think you have it figured out, there are just enough curves and bends in the story to finish out the novel with a little twist.
Read it! Read it! The book will not disappoint. It is a beautiful, soulful story that unfolds perfectly and timely without dragging. It is a story about family, about forgiveness, guilt, blame, and moving on.
The book is deeply touching and it lingers in the mind long after the last page is turned. Who among us can rescue another if we still have yet to rescue our ourselves? For me I kept thinking about that quote about plucking the straw from our neighbors eye while ignoring the rafter in our own eye.
Thanks again Diana Spechler.
Sounds fantastic! :)
Great review! I'm really looking forward to reading this one!
I think this is going to be my next read.
Great review Toni. I really need to drag this off my shelf and read it.
I read this book last year for the Book Club Girl show. I thought it was great. I enjoyed your review.
Diary of an Eccentric
This book is on my must read list, but I have yet to purchase the book. I have to get some of the TBR pile first, but you never know when I may happen to find myself in a bookstore!
ooh, this looks good! great review...
This sounds like a book I would really enjoy. Thanks for the review, Toni!
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