This award represents:
"This blog invests and believes in the PROXIMITY-nearness in space, time and relationships. These blogs are exceedingly charming. These kind bloggers aim to find and be friends. They are not interested in prizes or self-aggrandizement! Our hope is that when the ribbons of these prizes are cut, even more friendships are propagated. Please give more attention to these writers! Deliver this award to eight bloggers who must choose eight more and include this clever-written text into the body of their award."Okay so how does one pick. I am going straigt to google reader and grasping 8 consecutive names and voila the pressure will be off of me.... :)
I went from the bottom up in my google reader! Because I have to say sometimes being last in the alphabet means I get to reading them last.... so I now vow to read A-Z one day and Z- A the next. How 'bout that?
Write for a Reader
Wrighty Reads
West of Mars Win a Book (those gals are friends too ALL!!)
So Many Precious Books, So Little Time
Sharon Loves Books and Cats
Savvy Verse and Wit
Red Lady's Reading Room
Reading with Monie
What a lovely award and I think Amy made a good choice in giving it to you! You are an example of a kind blogger who is doing things right for the right reasons! Kudos!
Hi Toni, thank you so much for your kind words about my friend Barbara. It really helps to have someone as kind and caring as yourself be there and reach out as you did. It is much appreciated.That short tribute did not even begin to do justice to her.
I didn't know where to ask this but wanted to know more about Dexter. Is he a bassette as he looks like one. I had a one who we lost a while back and still miss him. Yours is so adorable. Did you ever think of posting his profile :D?
You are so deserving, and I'm honored to receive this from you. Thank you so much! Now, the pressure is off you, but on me.
Aww, Toni! You made my day -- we are trying to be friends to all, and to connect great books with readers who want great books.
Congratulations to you!
wow thanks for the award. I appreciate it. I've started doing the same thing...reading up in google reader one day and top to bottom the next. I hope I get to everyone's blogs.
Congrats on the award Toni and thanks so much for passing it on to me! Hugs!
Congrats on the award Toni...It is well deserved!
Thanks so much for the award Toni! How very friendly of you! Congrats to you on receiving it first, you are very deserving. I always enjoy reading your blog and having you visit mine. And Dexter can come visit anytime too! :)
(I love the photos at the top and the bottom of your blog!)
Well ladies it was just fun ... once I figured out my strategy for bestowing it upon others I got to settle in on the "fun" of it. All the bloggers on my reader and all the book bloggers I know are just awesome and charming. I was glad that google reader was there to help out.
Bingo.. what a cute Idea...Dexter does need a profile... but since you asked I will post it here.
He is a red Basset Hound almost 6 months old. He is a true love of my life. I got him and then read a bunch of stuff on Basset Hounds....so I braced myself for disaster. But his is 100% love ..and trust and friendship... so big and luggy and huggy... He is the best thing that happened to me since my grandson Elliott!! So yeah..Dex is late blooming on the potty training..and eating my knitting...but man .. what a good soul..
Three months later and I already can't imagine life with out Dex.
Congrats on the award Toni!! Thanks for passing it on to me! What a great idea, I find that I often go to the bottom of my reader as well to vary my reading!
Congrats on the well deserved award. And that's a great approach to blog reading. I've been making an effort to read out of alphabetical order myself.
Diary of an Eccentric
Anna and Bonnie thanks for the comment... And congrats to everyone in blogland because bloggers are so awesome!!!
This post will be up tomorrow...thanks again!
Very well deserved! Is that the knitted elephante? He is adorable!
You are so welcome! I forgot to tell you that you have to share it with Dexter too...seeing that he's your editor and all...ha! I could look at that sweet face all day. My question is: how do you not want to stay home every and all day with that cutie? Must be tough!
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