Mailbox Monday is hosted by Marcia at the Printed Page.
Check it out. It is fun way to share what we received in the mail each week.
I don't have a lot to report. I did buy Pride and Prejudice and Zombies for for my Kindle. It would be pointless to note all the classics that I have added to my Kindle. But for now I like to keep track of my purchases. After I get this post finished I am going to peruse and find another book to buy (hoard) onto my device. I also get to spend two credits in my audible account. It is a good Sunday morning. I will report my shopping results next Monday.
I received for review 7th Heaven, by James Patterson. (a free book for review)
Thank you Hachette books.

(check out my sidebar for a giveaway). It is a nice pretty blue color and being the book-a-holic that I am, I just wanted to curl up and start it at the kitchen table before I finished opening the rest of my mail.
I feel like I got something else and I can't for the life of me find where I stashed it. I mean I am pretty organized and books go in "book places" in my house. I will post when I figure it out. Or was I just dreaming. I know always hold my breath when I hear Mr. UPS driver in the neighborhood maybe it resulted in a brain fog?
I was a lucky lucky girl last week and I won TWO books from the blog world. I will save that information for a future Mailbox Monday!
Have a great week.
Well, that's a great post! I am not sure I am a fan of James Patterson, but will look out for your review of this one!
Well I hope your luck charm remains with you! :)
Thank you for dropping by my blog.
The Women's Murder Club series is a lot of fun. I hope you enjoy this one.
I like the Women's Murder Club series, but 7th Heaven was not my favorite.
Sounds like you are having fun with the kindle...did you do a lot of research before deciding to buy that one over other ereaders?
Oh boy oh boy did I research and really agonize over which reader to buy... Finally I went with Kindle as I like the thinness of it, I like the instant download feature, the basic web brower, the note taking, the instant dictionary feature, the text to speech feature. I still wouldn't mind owning a Sony reader also. The Nook sounds like it is cool but not enough reviews out there for me to wait. I love my Kindle.
I love winning books! Congrats : )
Enjoy your Kindle, I really like mine. I do keep track with each purchase and freebie. And NO, I don't know how much I've spent. I refuse to push the "total" button ;-D
Congrats on your wins! It's always fun to win books. I haven't read any of the Women's Murder Club books yet. They do look good and you are right the color of the book is great! Enjoy!
Great books Toni...I think it's funny that you lost one in your own house! lol
Enjoy your new books and the Kindle!
Diary of an Eccentric
Kindle feels like the wave of the future. Interesting all the new ways we have of disseminating news, information, and literature.
B. Lynn Goodwin
Author of You Want Me to Do WHAT? Journaling for Caregivers
Have you started Zombies yet? I bought it a while ago. I'm not even going to tell you how many books I bought for my reader. I am dreading my Visa coming in the mail.
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