Ack, where did the week go? It is Thursday...yes.. I have a mailbox and yes there was a book in it, but I just didn't get around to posting or looking in on everyone's mailboxes. I will post next Monday....who knows? Maybe there will be two books to post!
I am reading A Summer Affair. It is enjoyable and I will have that review up. I started Breaking Dawn, and while I was dying to get to it, something about the beginning was too annoying for me. I am sure this wasn't the book, just me. So I long to hunker down and read more about Bella and Edward and Jacob. I need my fix.
I am dying to get my hands on Dan Brown's latest. And I will... Oh I will.
Hubby is recovering well, but we are still two people with only two legs... since the legs are attached to me, I am busier than normal. Yep, I mow lawns now too! I helping my mom move this weekend. Not too far, but still farther than we'd like.
My girl is coming HOME!! Yep.. my daughter is coming back home after being gone 1 year, 2 months.... days... hours....minutes...well I really don't know the exact time but oh how I have missed her. So I am flying to Oklahoma on October 8th and driving over halfway across the country home with her and her dog Lola. Did someone say road trip? I will be using the gps to find book and yarn stores!
So I will be bombarding with comments and reading all the lovely reviews soon. I have been peeking in on the Blogger Awards. So glad that everyone is having a good time. Congrats to the Winners, the Shortlisters, and all nominees. I sure hope to participate and get involved next year. Thank you to all who spent so much time to organize the event.
My blogiversary came and went.... so I will hooplah it up next year or who knows maybe something exciting will come my way to celebrate.
I am good at having giveaways, but very bad about going to the Post to mail the winners prizes. Otherwise I'd be hosting a ton of my own book giveaways. And that is the plan... so if you follow this blog keep following.... there will be good stuff to come.
Reviews will be coming too. I did a lot of knitting and writing for my Knitting blog in August, thank so many of you for stopping by. I posted a lot of pictures of my work, feel free to stop by and leave comments.
Dexter is doing well! Better than well... he is both hellion and dog love of my life. What can I say?
Working on the Soap Shop
11 years ago
It sounds like you've got your hands full right now. We'll be here when you get back.
Thanks for the update. Sounds like you have ton going on right but it looks like you are handling it all in stride. Hang in there...
How hectic! Take the time you need, we'll still be here when things calm down.
road trip and bringing daughter "home?" I can't think of anything better. Good for you! Enjoy!!!! and I hope we hear about the bookstores you find. And won't Dexter be pleased, too?
Glad to hear your husband is recovering and that Dexter is well! I LOVE Dexter!!!!
Boy, you have our hands and legs full. I'm so glad to hear that your hubby is recovering. That is wonderful news that your daughter is coming home!
And I thought my life was exhausting! Take care of yourself and your family, and enjoy the road trip with your daughter!
Diary of an Eccentric
It sounds like you are dealing with a lot right now Toni. I've not posted as much lately either as there is just a lot going on in my life and I've been sick. It's hard to keep that balance. Good luck with your road trip and moving your daughter home. Hoping for a quick recovery for your hubby.
Awh thanks everyone.. you all are the best.
We got mom moved.. she worked hard.. the kids worked hard to move her..
Now next weekend I am moving out of Jessi's room.. the spare room to get it ready for her. I had slowly been overtaking the area with books and scrap booking stuff.. I got a few loads out of there today...
And then spent the day De-hounding the house... hair and dust... well at least my bed room is 90 % better. :)
Happy Sunday.. and thank you for your comments.
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