I just have to report in on my Kindle. I haven't read single full book on it yet, but will report when I do.
I can't stay quiet any longer. I have to say I am becoming Kindle addict. So shameful, but I have a feeling in book blog land I will be understood. Right? Please tell me that you understand.
Here are my thoughts:
The screen: Clear and easy to read with six font sizes to select.
The audio: The text to speech function is not bad. (This is where the text can be read to you). It gave me a few laughs hearing A Tale of Two Cities "it was the best of times, it was the worst of times.." in male and then female robot voice, but it would do the trick if you needed your eyes for something else at the time..like knitting!
The functionality: I don't know about a lot of you but a lot of times when I get a new gadget, phone or what not, I am lost for a few days figuring things out. I didn't find that to be the case with the Kindle 2. I was able to navigate in simple ways and ways that made sense right from the get go.
The basic web function: It works great. Not for surfing the next but it is capable to get a message across if needed. If you want to google something or even send a Tweet. Not that I need the Kindle 2 for that but it is nice to have the option. And since I belong to an online book club I can easily send a quick note if needed right from the device.
Downloading books: I have downloaded classic BIG FAT books in 16 seconds or less. I have used Kindle's document service to convert pdf's in a very short time for a very small fee. I have also used Kindle's document free document service and it works great and quickly also. On the the free service you have to actually hook Kindle up to the USB to get the file to the kindle. It was as easy and drag and drop.
Audio Books: The Kindle 2 plays my MP3 audio books from Audible just great. It is nice not to have to carry the Ipod and the Kindle. I know, I know, how big is an Ipod? But again.. One little 10 ounce device is really cool.
The problem: I lay in bed or just about anywhere I go and I am so indulgent. I read a little Moby Dick, a little Charles Dickens, a little Jane Austin, and then I listen to my audio books. I browse and browse for books and before I know it, It is past my bedtime. It is definitely slurping away hours. But you know hours lost to books, authors or literary reasons, are not hours lost at all. It is over all life enrichment. I also am a bit unfocused right now with my piles of ARC's to be read and reviewed. And the Kindle calls .....
Have I lost my craving to wander among the book stores? No! Have I love to the desire to stare into the artwork of a lovely book cover, NO! Have I lost the urge to hold a chunker book in my hands? No! Have I lost my urge to go to the library and check out books? Nope nope. This is a great way to have my literary options at my fingertips and control the number of books coming into this house. (please don't quote me on that or hold me to it).
I really love my Kindle as a modern day device to enhance my bookish pleasure. Is it just a new gadget? Or will it stand the test of time like my first copy of Gone with the Wind? Time will tell and I will keep you posted.
***I bought my kindle and I am reviewing for my own pleasure. I am not affiliated with Amazon or any amazon companies. This is not an ad.
Working on the Soap Shop
11 years ago
Thanks for this information! I'm definitely hoping for one for Christmas, but I'm still debating if I will fork over the money to by myself one if it doesn't appear under the tree. I'm so glad to hear you're enjoying it!
I am glad you are enjoying your Kindle so much! I will more than likely break down and purchase one sometime next year.
Toni, I'm glad you're liking your Kindle. I've had mine since February '09 and love it. I find myself pushing my finger on a word in paper books when I want the definition, lol. Love the dictionary function on the Kindle. I don't read many chunky paper books anymore - I prefer them on Kindle. I've found also that the device kind of "falls away" while I'm reading and I don't realize I'm turning the pages! I still read paper books, go to the library and book stores but I prefer the Kindle.
Nice review!
Thanks for your review! I know some sort of e-reader is somewhere in my future - I just don't know which one or when. I can't imagine giving up book-books entirely, but an e-reader certainly has its place! Glad you're having so much fun.
I think you touched on something important. You haven't lost the urge to actually hold a book. This confirms my belief that these devices ADD to the reading experience by providing options but that it does not and could not replace an actual book.
I'm so happy that you are enjoying it. I also noticed that are reading a bit of Moby Dick too. Hehe. Hey, you have a wonderful Thanksgiving. I am so looking forward to the time off.
You sound just like me! I love my Kindle and I still buy books in the bookstore!
Great Kindle review Toni. I love my Kindle, but have not read a single book on it yet. I play with it, load new books, and then always turn to "the real book" when it comes to actually reading. Hopefully that will change.
Great review Toni. It sounds like it is really working for you. Also I am just popping in to wish you and your family a most happy and blessed Thanksgiving. Enjoy your day!
Congrats on the new toy :) Hope you enjoy it. It sounds very addictive.
Toni, I'm hoping to get a reader sometime next year. My library has some books that I can borrow as ebooks and audio books. Do you know if the Kindle would allow that or can I only load books that I purchase from Amazon or Audibles.
Also you can get a lot of classics for free on other websites. I would like to be able to access those as well. If it can't be done with a Kindle then I think I would be better off with the Sony.
Thanks for all the comments!
Teddy, I don't know if the Kindle will work with the library system to get books. I will have to look into that. There was just an upgrade to it (it upgrades automatically). The upgrade is for PDF reading. Not sure how compatible it is at this point. All the classics seem to be available free. I have found all the sites to find free classics. It is very easy. I have only purchased one book so far due to my piles that need to be read at home. It was hard for me to pick Kindle vs. Sony. Shopping for a book in bed and buying it without hooking up to the computer is great.
AND I can download the free classics right to the Kindle and read em and delete em without having to load stuff onto the computer. For me that is cool.
I will let you know about the library system as soon as I find out.
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